Reported by: Angelina Lau Eng Oi, Aiden Paul Leo Nereparambil, Aaron John Leo Nereparambil, Hridya Anna Panackal
1. Key takeaways
- Kindergarten students, as young as 3 to 6 years old, were introduced to plastic pollution by creating art pieces using plastic waste they collected from their homes and surroundings. This hands-on activity provided engaging and practical experience, teaching them how to reuse plastic waste.
- The hands-on experience and the natural curiosity of young students sparked their interest in the topic of plastic pollution. Teachers guided the students throughout the process, providing explanations and support.
- Students learned about reuse and recycling at a young age by making handicrafts, which required reusing and reshaping products, thereby teaching them these important concepts.
2. Main highlights
“Waste to Wonder” is a competition for kindergarten students to explore their creativity by creating artwork from self-sourced plastic waste. They can make 3D models, usable items, working mechanisms, or art on paper.
- Open registration: 28 July 2024
- Registration deadline: 5 September 2024
- Poster submission deadline: 30 September 2024
- Award & prize giving ceremony: 27 November 2024
This competition was held at Chung Hua Middle School and targeted kindergarten students aged 3-6 years old. In total, 20 students participated in this competition.
3. Outcome (Awards & Winners)
Three artworks were chosen based on their creativity. The awards were given to three kindergarten students. One of the winners shared, ‘I didn’t know that I could make things out of what we throw away’. This is an important revelation for young kids to become more aware of their environment and to have an early exposure to the plastic pollution problem. Hopefully, this kind of initiative can instil in them a better understanding of sustainable environmental practices that they can carry on into their adulthood.