Reported by: Angelina Lau Eng Oi, Aiden Paul Leo Nereparambil, Aaron John Leo Nereparambil, Hridya Anna Panackal
Key Takeaways:
- Students discovered new ways to apply the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) to save the environment by repurposing rubbish around them for their activities or as art pieces to express creativity.
- They realized that there is an abundance of waste around us that can be remade and repurposed, demonstrating that even simple waste can be useful.
- Students understood that their actions can make a difference. They don’t have to rely on companies or low recycling rates; instead, they can learn the skills to create something from nothing and reduce waste.
Main Highlights:
- Open registration: 28 July 2024
- Registration deadline: 5 September 2024
- Poster submission deadline: 30 September 2024
- Award & prize-giving ceremony: 27 November 2024
The competition was held at Chung Hua Middle School and targeted primary school students aged 7-12 years old. A total of 25 students participated in the competition.
Activities Implemented:
“Best Out of Waste” is a competition for elementary school students at Chung Hua Middle School. All participants were required to create 3D models or usable products from waste materials. This competition provided an opportunity to learn about the abundance of plastic waste and how to reuse and repurpose it.
Two students’ art pieces were selected as prize winners. One of the students shared, “I can use my own creation made from plastic!”
Outcome (Awards & Winners)