Activity Reports

“Empowering Women, Transforming Tourism” A Report on the Training for Trainers – Enhancing Digital Skills for Women in Tourism Communities in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam.   


The ASEAN-Japan Centre, in collaboration with Ministry of Information, Culture, and Tourism Laos (MICT), and Mekong Tourism Coordination Office, with collaboration of Asian Development Bank, embarked on an ambitious project to empower women in the tourism sector across the Mekong region. The Training of Trainers “Enhancing Digital Skills for Women in Tourism Communities”, held in Luang Prabang, Laos, aimed to equip participants with the digital tools necessary to thrive in today’s competitive tourism landscape.

Intervention Description

The four-day training of trainers program brought together 28 participants from government and private tourism sectors across the five Mekong countries. The curriculum was designed to provide a solid foundation in digital marketing, including practical exercises such as creating websites, Facebook pages, and developing marketing plans using social media for local tourism businesses. By the end of the training, participants had not only gained a theoretical understanding of digital marketing but also had the practical skills to apply these concepts in their respective communities. 

Outcomes and Impact

Participants presented their action plans at the end of training, which proved to be highly effective. A staggering 96.5% of participants reported an improvement in their digital skills, and 100% expressed their intention to share their newly acquired knowledge with their peers in local community. This indicates a strong potential for a ripple effect. By empowering women with digital skills, we are not only enhancing their individual capabilities but also contributing to the overall competitiveness of the tourism industry in these countries. 

Challenges and Key Takeaways

While the training was a resounding success, we encountered a few challenges. Varying levels of digital literacy among participants required flexibility and adaptability in the teaching methods. However, these challenges also highlighted the importance of tailored training programs and ongoing support.

Follow-up Activities

To maximize the impact of the training, AJC is planning for a system to support participants organizing trainings in their communities.
These include:

  • Training kits: Providing a comprehensive training toolkit for participants to use.
  • Online community: Creating an online platform for participants to connect, share resources, and peer support.

By implementing these follow-up activities, we aim to ensure that the skills and knowledge acquired during the training are sustained and leveraged to drive positive change in the tourism sector.


The “Training of Trainers: Enhancing Digital Skills for Women in Tourism Communities” has been a resounding success. By equipping women with the digital skills they need to succeed, we are not only empowering individuals but also contributing to the growth and sustainability of the tourism industry in the Mekong region. This investment in human capital is a testament to our commitment to fostering inclusive and sustainable tourism.

AJC5.0 (Our strategies)
Tourism Programme
Related projects
Trade, Investment, and Tourism
Related Countries
Cambodia Lao PDR Myanmar Thailand Viet Nam

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