Activity Reports

Supporting Singapore Economic Development Board Connect 2024

ASEAN-Japan Centre supported Singapore Economic Development Board’s (EDB) “EDB Connect 2024” on January 31st, to share with global companies in Singapore about the latest trends updates in the sustainability, supply chain management and manpower, and to encourage partnerships between companies and with the government.

Sharing insights of latest trends in decarbonization, talent, co-innovation and supply chain management.

There are many business friendly policies in Singapore that can help bring your business and working to Singapore.

And Singapore can also be seen as a gateway to your business in ASEAN, an example of this as a working business model is Singapore’s twinning model.

At the event, speakers from EDB and industry leaders gathered to talk about the opportunities that Singapore presents to international companies. The opening speech was delivered by EDB’s Managing Director, Jacqueline Poh, about Singapore’s economic prospects for 2024. Topical briefings were then presented on MNC-SME partnerships, work pass opportunities for foreign talents, decarbonisation trends, and the Singapore Global Network. Finally, the closing speech was delivered by the ASEAN-Japan Centre’s Secretary General, Hirabayashi Kunihiko.

Almost 400 C-suite and director level executives attended the event from global companies, including 88 from Japanese companies and 123 from the ASEAN Member States. In total, the networking event helped connect companies from more than 25 countries across different industries, including the US, Japan, China, South Korea, the UK, among others.

(EDB Singapore’s Managing Director, Jacqueline Poh, delivering the opening remarks)

Way Forward

ASEAN-Japan Centre will continue to work hand in hand with EDB to promote investment and trade between Singapore and Japan, as well as regionally in ASEAN. We hope to promote out centre’s activities and increase our visibility to serve the people of ASEAN and Japan.

About the Event

EDB Connect 2024
Date: 31, January 2024, 9:00-11:00(UTC+8)
Venue: Singapore Marriott Tang Plaza Hotel
Organizers: Singapore Economic Development Board(EDB), ASEAN-Japan Centre
Participants: Approx. 400 persons (88 from Japan, 123 from ASEAN)

See EDB’s business guides and insights to learn more about Singapore’s business landscape and how Singapore can be a launchpad for your business into the region and beyond. Stay in touch with the latest developments from Singapore via EDB’s global insights newsletter

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