The ASEAN-Japan Centre (AJC) co-organized the “ASEAN Beach Resort Seminar” with Wonderful Indonesia Tokyo office, Tourism Authority of Thailand, Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board, and Singapore Airlines.
The seminar targeted Japanese tourism industry professionals to provide latest information on beach resorts in ASEAN, to encourage them to develop tours to ASEAN beach resorts.
Date: 6 October 2023
Organizers: ASEAN-Japan Centre, Wonderful Indonesia Tokyo office, Malaysia Tourism Promotion Borad, Tourism Authority of Thailand, and Singapore Airlines.
Participants: 40 people

Three National Tourism Offices of ASEAN presented updates of basic travel information, followed by summaries of beach resorts recommended by each country, as well as attractions and activities for Japanese travelers. Singapore Airlines introduced its routes to Southeast Asia, connectivity, and the latest in-flight facilities.
Voice of participants
A survey conducted after the seminar indicates high evaluation for the content of the seminar and the beach resorts in Southeast Asia. All respondents found this seminar helpful in planning their tour products, and 86.6% said they would consider planning a tour to a Southeast Asian beach resort in the future. In addition, when planning a tour to a beach resort, the most important factors cited were “accessibility” and “beach quality,” followed by “attractions other than the beach” and “safety.” Advantages of beach resorts in Southeast Asia are often regarded as “valuable price” and “good accessibility from Japan,” while disadvantages include “low profile recognition” and “lack of information.”
Based on the voice of participants, it will be important to continue disseminating information of ASEAN tourism products to the Japanese tourism industry and general consumers to address the lack of information and awareness.
ASEAN beach resorts’ potential remains high, as all of the respondents rated Southeast Asia as the suitable destination for beach resorts.