Project title: Go Green, Go Clean, Let’s Save Our Earth
Meet the Team
State SHS Seribu Bukit / SMA Negeri Seribu Bukit
Supervised by Muhammad Syamsul S.Pd / Khairani Hanum

About the Team
Greetings, we are Kendra Jovita Amadea, Susila Lestari, Muliara Sakila, and Nadia Aulia. Our passion for literature has taken us on an infinite journey towards deep knowledge. With our public speaking skills, we share insights and inspiration with unlimited enthusiasm. Our desire for interaction and social exploration fuels our passion for trying new things and creating innovation. Boundless creativity is our main tool in facing challenges, and we are always looking for fresh and bold solutions. We believe that through collaboration and creative thinking, we can reach our best potential and inspire others. Thank you for this opportunity to get to know each other better.
Social Media
Instagram: @ajyeln_indonesia