Activity Reports

ASEAN Online Cooking Event (ASEAN-Japan Youth Exchange Project – Take Action!)

The ASEAN-Japan Centre organized an online cooking event with FOOD WINGS, a group of students from Tamagawa University as follows: 

■Time & Date: 12:00-15:00 on Saturday, 12 March 2022 
■Participants: About 20 university students in Japan 
12:00-12:10 Opening remarks, introduction of guests 
12:10-13:40 Cooking demonstration/experience 
13:40-14:00 Showing of ASEAN recipe videos, introduction and quiz of the ASEAN Member States 
14:00-14:50 Free conversation time (Participants met people from Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Viet Nam using the breakout function of Zoom) 
14:50-15:00 Closing 

The concept of this event by FOOD WINGS was to appeal attractions of the ASEAN Member States through food, and it won  the planning competition “ASEAN-Japan Youth Exchange Project – Take Action!” which the AJC conducted in November 2021 with the support of the ASEAN Secretariat.  Six student groups took part in the competition to present their ideas on “How can you promote the relationship between Japan and the ASEAN Member States?”  

The FOOD WINGS specifically chose to conduct an online cooking event, where ingredient kits would be sent in advance to the participant to enjoy cooking live, while the members of the FOOD WINGS livestreamed the cooking process. 

Menus chosen were Pad Thai (fried rice noddle/Thailand), Taho (warm desert of tofu and tapioca/Philippines) and Teh Tarik (sweet milk tea/Malaysia).  Taho cooking demonstration was introduced by Ms. Jennifer Yamamoto of the Philippine Department of Tourism.  FOOD WINGS also posted short cooking videos of the dishes on the social media prior to the event.

In addition, there was a program for the participating students to enjoy conversation with five people from the ASEAN Member States after the cooking demonstration. 

The online event was smoothly conducted  as FOOD WINGS prepared well for this event by visiting and collecting information from embassies, and having thorough meetings with the company who arranged the ingredients to be sent to the event participants. 

View a video of this activity.

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