Event Information

Save the date for the Usapang Exports on “Maximizing the Benefits of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between the Philippines and Japan Toward Sustainable Trade”

Date held

Event information

Monday, 2 December2024 
11:00 – 15:30 JST | 10:00 – 14:30 PST 
Zoom hybrid webinar (English to Japanese simultaneous translation) 

Registration form *Japanese Language:

The ASEAN-Japan Centre, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the Export Development Council, and the Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (PHILEXPORT) invite everyone to the seminar on “‘Usapang Exports’ on “Maximizing the Benefits of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) between the Philippines and Japan Toward Sustainable Trade” on December 2, 2024.

The event is part of the National Exporters’ Week organized by the Department of Trade and Industry, featuring a series of presentations, sessions, and activities that are focused on encouraging Philippine local MSMEs to export their products to overseas markets, including Japan, for their growth and expansion. 

The seminar on December 2 will be divided into morning and afternoon sessions. The morning session will include keynote presentations from the International Trade Group of the Department of Trade and Industry (Philippines), and the Ministry of Economy and Trade and Industry (Japan). This will be followed by a presentation from the Bureau of Customs (BOC) that will discuss the application process for securing the Certification of Origin (COO), and a panel discussion. 

 The afternoon session seminar will commence with a presentation from the ASEAN-Japan Centre, providing an overview on the utilization status of FTAs in and between Japan and the Philippines, as well as touching on the issues faced by local businesses in exporting to Japan.

Furthermore, the afternoon session will introduce a model case of a Philippine export-oriented MSME as one of the seminar’s highlights. Likewise, the afternoon session will culminate with a panel discussion. 

The seminar and panel discussions will be hosted and moderated by the Executive Vice President and Chief Operations Officer of the PHILEXPORT, Mr. Senen M. Perlada. Mr. Perlada also served as the former Director of the Export Marketing Bureau (EMB) of the Department of Trade and Industry. 

ASEAN-Japan Centre and FTA Promotion

The ASEAN-Japan Centre’s (AJC) “ASEAN-Japan Trade Insights” is a seminar series held in major member countries of the trading nations of ASEAN to promote the use of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs). 

With the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Agreement coming into force in January 2022, an increasing number of companies are looking to utilize FTAs. On the other hand, there are cases where Japanese SMEs face three “barriers” (knowledge, process, and internal cooperation) when applying for FTAs (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry 2022). SMEs in ASEAN countries are likely to face similar challenges. Further utilization of FTAs is necessary to further promote open and free trade, investment expansion, and economic integration in the ASEAN region. 

The workshop is part of AJC’s activities to collaborate with ASEAN governments and economic organizations in cooperation with Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI ) Japan, and to work with regional experts to implement projects that meet the needs and demands of the ASEAN business community, particularly SMEs. 

Program (tentative)

10:05~10:10Philippine National Anthem
10:10~10:30Welcome RemarksUndersecretary Ceferino S. Rodolfo, DPA 
Industry Development and Investment Promotion Group, Department of Trade and Industry 
10:30~10:40MessageSecretary General Kunihiko Hirabayashi 
ASEAN-Japan Center 
10:40 – 11:00 Keynote Presentations:
Undersecretary Allan B. Gepty  
International Trade Group, Department of Trade and Industry 
11:00~11:20Keynote Presentations:
Ministry of Economy and Trade and Industry, Japan
11:20~11:40Facilitating Trade between the Philippines and Japan through Free Trade Agreements (FTAs)Speaker from Philippine Bureau of Customs
11:40~12:00Panel Discussion/Q&A
12:00~13:30Lunch and Networking
13:30~13:50Philippines FTA Utilization
and Export Potential Areas
Mr. Ishida-Yasushi 
Assistant Director, Research and Advocacy team, ASEAN-Japan Centre 
13:50~14:10A Model Case of Philippine export-oriented SMESMEs or consultants 
Philippine side 
14:10~14:20Panel Discussion/Q&A
14:20~14:30Closing RemarksDirector Bianca Pearl Sykimte 
Export Marketing Bureau 

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