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Pledge to Nurture Good Habits for Cleaner Oceans

In Japan, Marine Day (海の日) is celebrated every third Monday of July as a reminder and appreciation of the ocean’s importance in our lives. On this occasion, we are launching the Pledge to Nurture Good Habits for Cleaner Oceans to build on the success of the preceding incentives and include you in committing to better actions to protect the ocean.  


Plastic waste continues to be one of the greatest threats to our oceans, jeopardizing not only marine ecosystems but also those whose livelihoods depend on the ocean, and—on a bigger scale—society at large. Recognizing the importance of clean and healthy oceans, ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries and Japan have made various efforts into safeguarding the waters in the region, many of which involve the participation of youth.   

Last March 16, 2021, AJC launched the “Future Leaders’ Declaration on ASEAN-Japan Cooperation for International Marine Plastic Waste” which is drafted by 22 students from ASEAN countries and Japan. To further continue and promote a stronger commitment and responsibility to eliminate plastic waste in the ocean among the peoples of ASEAN and Japan, the AJC and ‘Future Leaders’ invite everyone (aged 18 and above) to support the Pledge to Nurture Good Habits for Cleaner Oceans

Pledge to Nurture Good Habits for Cleaner Oceans 

There are many ways to show your love for the ocean. One of these is to join hands with us to overcome marine plastic waste pollution. We urge you to think big and act small, starting by looking at what is around you. We encourage you to commit to nurture the following good habits for cleaner OCEANS:  

Object to and refuse single-use plastics such as plastic bags, plastic packaging;  
Cooperate in community projects, and local campaigns aimed at changing habits to curb plastic waste;  
Eliminate trash properly, including plastic waste, and opt for recycling options for recyclable waste;  
Advocate for policies for better waste management, recycling, and circular economy for sustainable development;   
Nurture and support businesses, initiatives and activities that provide solutions or alternatives to mitigate marine plastic pollution; and 
Switch to reusable alternatives such as shopping bags, refillable water bottles, and reusable food containers.  

Support the Pledge to Nurture Good Habits for Cleaner Oceans to show your commitment to protect our oceans!  

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