Event Information

Webinar on “Promoting Food Security in ASEAN and Japan through Free Trade Agreements”

The ASEAN-Japan Centre will hold a webinar on “Promoting Food Security in ASEAN and Japan through Free Trade Agreements”.  The webinar hopes to provide an avenue to discuss whether market access commitments on agricultural and food products made under free trade agreements could promote food security in the region.  The webinar welcomes participants from government, academe, businesses, including micro, small and medium enterprises, and anyone interested on food security.  

Date: Friday, June 17, 2022  
Time: 15:00-16:30 (Japan Standard Time)  
Format: Zoom online meeting 
Number of participants: No limit  
Language: Japanese and English with simultaneous interpretation   
Organizer: Research and Policy Analysis (RPA) Cluster, ASEAN Japan Centre  
Registration: Free 
Contact:  Research and Policy Analysis (RPA) Cluster,  Email:   

Program schedule

Moderator: Mr. Phutsakhon Sengmaniphon,
Cluster Head and Assistant Director,
Research and Policy Analysis (RPA) Cluster, ASEAN Japan Centre
15:10-15:30“Background and State of Food Security Issues in Japan”   
Mr. Akihiko Hirasawa   
Executive Officer, Basic Research Division  
Norinchukin Research Institute Co., Ltd.  
15:30-15:50“Free Trade Agreements and Food Security”    
Ms. Tisha Pia E. Dela Rosa  
Chief of the Macro-Economic Policy Division  
Development Management Officer V  
Department of Agriculture, Philippines  
15:50-16:10“The Implication of RCEP on Rapidly Expanding Export-oriented Agriculture in Lao PDR”  
Mr. Souknilanh Keola  
Associate Senior Research Fellow   
Institute of Developing Economies  
Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO)  
16:10-16:30Open forum  
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