Activity Reports

2023 AJYELN Fellows: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Project title: BeachUp

Meet the Team


SMK Aminuddin Baki
Supervised by Puan Mardiah binti Abdul Latiff

About the Team

Malaysia is ranked third in the list of countries contributing to marine plastic pollution. As Malaysians, we feel the severity and seriousness of this situation and decided it was time to take action if we want a change. Therefore, we are working on a machine to improve the current condition of plastic pollution. Our solution, “BeachUp”, that functions to maintain the cleanliness of beaches is made possible through extensive research. We sincerely hope “BeachUp” extends throughout the world for each and every country to make a difference and experience a true change!

Social Media

Instagram: @beachupsabkl

AJC5.0 (Our strategies)
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